Concerns raised over new road through High Woods

Alex Green

Hawkenbury residents are urging Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to take action after a landowner started building a road through the High Woods area, without planning permissions.

Dean Kenward, a member of the Hawkenbury Village Association, said he was concerned with the development of the track, as it represented an attempt to erode public access to the area, which forms part of the High Wealden Landscape Trail.

“Most people I have spoken to are annoyed that a road is being put through the woods. They are annoyed that attempts have been made to cut off access from the back of the recreation ground to High Woods Lane.”

Mr Kenward was also apprehensive over the safety of the construction project, in the area of High Woods Lane and Hawkenbury Road. He claims hardcore materials are being dumped in the woods, which contain ‘reinforced steel bars within the concrete’.

A spokesperson for the council said it had requested that the owner ‘submit a retrospective planning application.

The council added: “This does not mean that the development has been allowed but does mean that as part of the planning process representations can be made by anyone who wishes to do so.

“If it subsequently appears that an application is not submitted or is subsequently refused, the council will commence enforcement action for the removal of the track.”

At the time of going to press, the Times was unable to reach the owner of the land to obtain a comment.

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