Claremont School: New year, new management and record pupil numbers

Pam Mills
Claremont Sixth Form


Since its founding in 2011, Claremont Senior School has grown its pupil roll from 40 to more than 330 today and more than 700 students across both sites. This exponential increase in pupil numbers has also brought about two significant management changes.

Giles Perrin, former and founding Head of Claremont Senior School, has now stepped up to the position of Principal across both school sites and in his place, former Deputy Head, Ed Dickie takes on the role of Head.

Having met at university and worked together at Bedes Senior School prior to joining Claremont, Giles and Ed are already a formidable force with many years’ experience in driving high standards of teaching and learning.

With the calm and steady hand at the helm of the prep school in St Leonards, Head Abra Stoakley adds further confidence to a management team with high expectations and big ambitions for the future. 

With demand for pupil places across both sites on the increase and the management team strengthened and primed to drive the School ever forward, Claremont’s new partnership with ISP has come at an exciting time, and with it, significant investment in the school’s facilities.

A £3.5million development project at the senior school in Bodiam is part of a wider development programme across both school sites with the building of a new art department, modern, spacious workrooms for students, new classrooms and offices already underway.

In November 2018, work will also start on a new dance studio and music department adding further resource to an already envious Creative Arts provision. Giles Perrin said: “We are delighted for all our pupils as they will feel an immediate benefit from improvements and additions to their learning environments, and with more to come. We are particularly excited about the new dance and music department. Investment in the creative arts is crucial if we are to help young people develop core life skills that will endure beyond the classroom.”

Claremont is a school on the rise. It is not only giving many new parents cause to take notice and find out more but it is also enabling prep school pupils to be part of its success story from the outset. Pupils are not only able to continue their studies in an environment that is already familiar, but one that is also expanding as it meets the growing needs of a dynamic senior school curriculum. Head of senior school, Ed Dickie said: “Down to earth and possessed with an unrelenting focus on giving its students the best possible preparation for the world, Claremont provides an environment where all are welcome and all can thrive.”

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