Celebrating five years and four million copies of your paper…

Five years ago this week [on March 4, 2015] the Times of Tunbridge Wells newspaper first appeared on the streets.

The country was coming out of a recession, the buzz word was austerity, and households and businesses were tightening financial belts.

All of which made the launch of a free newspaper reliant purely on advertising revenue something of a gamble.

Following the first edition, the Financial Times commented: “Interesting to see, during a time when many predict the death of print media, a new local newspaper emerges in Kent.”

Happily, the gamble to create a new paper paid dividends, and although the Times is today far from being a cash machine, it is holding its own financially.

In our opening editorial we stated that our aim was to publish ‘an alternative voice, a quality newspaper that comes free, with relevant local news and features – one that is different’.

Feedback suggests that most readers believe we have delivered on that promise, and that today this paper reflects the views and values of the community it serves.

We do know for a fact that the Times is TODAY the biggest paper in town, and that every one of the thousands of copies that we print each week is snapped up.

We also know that the Times is an effective media platform for advertisers, who frequently tell us about the enquiries they get from readers.

Aside from breaking major news stories impacting Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas over the last five years, we have also created the popular Times Business Awards that have attracted around 1,000 entries and boosted the profile of all manner of businesses, from start-ups to long-established companies. 

We have also incorporated the award-winning monthly glossy SO Magazine into the paper each month. 

And launched the Times of Tonbridge newspaper – another winner.

None of it would have been possible, though, without the support of you, our readers and advertisers, and that’s something we never forget.

Thank you.

Richard Moore, Editorial Director


And here’s what OTHER people have to say…

From its first edition, the Times has been vigorously pro-Tunbridge Wells. While covering – in quality and in depth – the breaking news of each week, the paper has kept up a steady drumbeat of commitment and enthusiasm for own town.

The Times shines a spotlight on the people who go out of their way to make a difference, the events that bring the community together, and the colourful life of a vibrant community. The paper has done a particular service in championing the businesses of Tunbridge Wells, whose vital presence marks us out from towns that are just dormitories
for London.

Greg Clark, MP


We have worked with the Times for several years, and find the publication invaluable in promoting our events. Following an interview with photographer Steve Hedges, who was running a course at Hever Castle, we more than doubled our bookings. A great result. Happy anniversary – here’s to another five years.

Sarah Cole, Hever Castle & Gardens


The Times has been instrumental in helping Trinity Theatre to reach out to our community during the past five years. We saw a significant impact in how audiences viewed us, and the support coverage we have received for our outreach work into schools and the senior population has been a significant factor in the development of these community activities.

Alex Green, Trinity Theatre



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