CAMPAIGN: We need your help

The Mead School in Tunbridge Wells gave a professional level performance in the  ISA drama contests

Have you, or someone you know, suffered abuse and threats from local taxi drivers?

If that’s ‘yes’ then we’d like to hear from you – in strictest confidence.

The Times is aware of incidents where young womenhave been verbally abused and threatened by drivers who attempted toovercharge them late at night while on journeys taking them home..

In one case a woman claims she was physically attackedby a driver who smashed her mobile phone when they argued overpayment of the fare. He drove off and left her, in a distressed state, at the side of the road.

Most incidents are not reported to either the police or the borough council which is responsible for the licensing of taxis and drivers.

The Times is now investigating the issue in an effort to determine the true extent of any problem.If you have been involved in such an incident, or you know someone who has, please contact us. All personal details will be kept strictly confidential.

We believe the majority of taxi drivers are safe to use and trustworthy.

You can email us at using the subject line Get Home Safe.Or call us on the direct line to the news desk: 01892 779615.

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Richard Moore – Editorial Director

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