Calverley House flats plan could double up

BHS Tunbridge Wells

The number of flats in a proposed office conversion in the heart of Tunbridge Wells may be more than doubled to 112.

Three years ago, Heatpoint Limited was given consent to turn the upper four floors of Calverley House at 55 Calverley Road into 51 flats.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council gave consent for 51 flats under a general permitted development order, which was introduced by the Government the same year to bypass the usual planning process.

The law could give the go-ahead to the latest proposal, though the council can still object on the grounds of transport, highways, flooding or contamination.

The shops beneath, including the soon-to-open Indigo furniture store and empty Rohan unit, will be unaffected.

Three years ago there were several objections over a lack of parking, which Heatpoint has referenced in its transport statement to the council.

“Even if each of the proposed residential units generated demand for one parked car per unit at any one time, the maximum number of parked cars would be 112, which is less than that of the existing office use, which generates a maximum parking demand of 116,” it said.

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