Call My Bluff wine-tasting quiz funds Paddock Wood foodbank

Nusrat Ghani

Eighty guests were invited to taste six  wines. Two volunteers, one of whom was an expert on wine, gave a critique of each offering and guests had to guess who was telling the truth.

Trustee Gill Lloyd said: “The residents of Paddock Wood and surrounding villages came out and supported us on our annual fundraising event, which all helps The Community Storehouse to support those locally who are struggling to feed themselves and their families.

“The wine was accompanied by an array of delectable food. Many of our volunteers were involved in helping and running the evening and a thoroughly good time was had by all.

“We raised a magnificent sum of £1,522, which has been used to help with our substantial rental costs at The Wesley Centre, where we are based.”

The Community Storehouse began in 2013 when one of the founders, who worked in education, noticed children were coming into school hungry.

Members of the town’s Baptist Church initially began taking food parcels to families who were known to be in need at Christmas and Easter.

The number of clients has kept growing, and last year the foodbank helped 118 families.

You can donate at The Wesley Centre from 1-3pm on Tuesdays and 9.30-11.30am on Thursdays or email:

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