Bus service issues warning to Tunbridge Wells community

Bus service issues warning to Tunbridge Wells community

The extension of a key bus route from Tunbridge Wells to Maidstone could lead to significant future improvements.

Arriva has confirmed their 6 and 6A service, which pass through Paddock Wood, will be enhanced from March 11.

This is one year after the operator reduced the service, which currently runs on half hour intervals to East Peckham. Only occasional buses continue to the county town.

The company announced last week that the hourly 6 will continue to Maidstone and the hourly 6A route will be modified to include Five Oak Green.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council [TWBC] member for Capel Cllr Carol Mackonochie said the developments were possible thanks in part to residents lobbying Arriva.

“It has been a long wait with much work to persuade Arriva. We are very pleased and thank Arriva for listening, working together and making this decision.

“It is very important the services are used so that they remain viable. There may now be future improvements.”

TWBC and Kent County Councillor Sarah Hamilton said Arriva’s decision to reduce the service last year was a financial one, and encouraged all to use the 6 and 6A.

She said: “It is important the service continues as it stops a community from being isolated.

“We have a responsibility to use the bus when we can (as opposed to driving). This is not a subsidised service and we have been saying it is a case of use it or lose it.”


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