Boris drops in on Tonbridge

Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers

London Mayor Boris Johnson gave an insight into his views on a wide-ranging list of subjects, including the EU referendum and the need for public transport investment, when he visited Tonbridge last week.

Mr Johnson, currently one of the biggest characters in UK politics, was invited by the West Kent Conservative Association to take part in the fundraising event for his potential successor Zac Goldsmith at Tonbridge School.

The evening, which attracted a large audience, was chaired by Tonbridge & Malling MP Tom Tugendhat, who said it was a highly entertaining occasion.

He said: “Boris is very easy to interview. He spoke about many issues including the changes that have happened during his time as Mayor.

“We took him down Tonbridge High Street on his way to the school and he was interested to see that the improvements demonstrated what could be done when investment was made to help grow the numbers of independent shops.

“He also talked about urban development and the importance of using brownfield sites, rather than developers taking the easy option of using greenfield locations. Boris also discussed Transport for London and plans to improve our railways, as well as speaking about the EU a lot!”

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