Bobby the puppy shows how to teach young children new tricks

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A DOG has joined the teaching staff at a Tunbridge Wells school to help children with their learning.

Bobby the Labrador puppy has become a much-loved addition to Langton Green Primary School.

His presence in the classroom is designed to help students’ concentration and boost their confidence. He will also be used to support pupils with learning difficulties.

Outside of school hours the hairy helper is looked after by acting Deputy Headmaster Katie Harris, who came up with the idea.

Katie, who is also the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) said: “Research has shown that having a dog nearby can reduce your pulse rate and relax you.

“Also, for some children and situations, it is easier to talk and stroke a dog than it is to talk to an adult directly.

Naturally, Bobby has also become the centre of attention among his adoring class mates.

“The children have loved having him as part of the school – he’s already received letters and pictures of adoration,” added Katie.

“Although he is still young, he has settled in quickly and he currently resides in Year Six one afternoon a week.

“Bobby is also regularly taken on a walk round the school field by various children and we are hoping to involve more children, the older he gets.

Parent Louise Langton-Lockton said: “Langton Primary really goes above and beyond for pupil happiness and welfare, and Bobby the school dog is another example of this.

“Bobby is sometimes around at school pick-up and it’s really lovely to see the children’s reaction to him – he really is much loved by everyone.”

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