Bewl Water Fun Facts

Paul Apps Benenden Hospital


  • You could stack six London buses on top of each other in the deepest part of Bewl and they would still be underwater
  • It would take 55,200 million pint bottles of milk to hold the contents of Bewl and if you placed these on top of each other they would stretch around the world 105 times!
  • 11,000 fish have been put into Bewl so far this year
  • When Bewl is full it holds one gallon of water for every man, woman and child in the world
  • ? Bewl reservoir capacity is 6900,000,000 billion gallons or 31,3000 megalitres
  • ? Bewl’s maximum depth is 97 feet or 30 metres
  • The surface area of Bewl is the same size as 436 Wembley football pitches
  • While some homes and farms were moved wholesale to new locations, there are still 11 buildings and several lanes still under the water
  • 7,000 anglers visit every year. If each one catches at least three then over 21,000 fish will be caught in 2016
  • Bewl is filled with water pumped from the Rivers Medway and Teise which, when they are in full winter flow, can amount to as much as 275 million litres a day
  • Brown trout can live for 20 years and average 30lbs
  • The capacity of Bewl Water is equivalent to the amount of water discharged from the Amazon into the Atlantic in 150 seconds. It would take 132 hours for the Thames to discharge the equivalent amount into the North Sea
  • There are over 40,000 fish in the reservoir including rainbow trout, brown trout, perch and pike
  • Team GB rowers come down to Bewl every weekend to train. Sophie Ainsworth, 26, who has been selected to compete at the Olympics in Brazil, learned to sail at Bewl Water. She has been selected in the 49er FX class with partner Charlotte Dobson
  • Rainbow trout can live for four to five years and average 18lbs

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