A crafty bit of school holiday help from town’s Metro Bank

Metro Bank in Tunbridge Wells

Metro Bank is open all week with free craft activities for children to do on the premises, or to take away in a craft bag.

The event is being held in branches up and down the country and is part of the Metro Bank’s community engagement programme, which sees it providing ‘Money Zone’ financial education workshops to over 250,000 schoolchildren throughout the year.

The children can also take selfies with the bank’s mascot, ‘Metro Man’.

Stephen Cotton, Tunbridge Wells Metro Bank’s store manager, said: “We’re always looking for ways to support our local community.

“We know how long the summer holidays are and we are glad to be able to offer this free event for kids. Last year’s craft event was lots of fun and this year will be no different.”

The week-long promotion started on Monday (August 15) and runs until Sunday.

“You don’t have to be a customer to come and enjoy the event – everyone is welcome,” added Mr Cotton.

Metro Bank is at 2 & 4 Calverley Rd and is currently open Monday to Saturday 8.30am-6pm and 11am-5pm on Sunday.

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