Tunbridge Wells Slimming World: It’s not over ’til… the cast of My Fair Lady slims down

Tunbridge Wells Slimming World: It's not over 'til... the cast of My Fair Lady slims down

FOUR members of the Tunbridge Wells Operatic and Dramatic Society [TWODS] lost nine stone between them ahead of their recent production of My Fair Lady.

Jon Purvis, Elliott Emanuel, Sophia Wallace and Alastair Collie, who are members of St Mark’s Primary School Slimming World Group, performed the famous musical at the Assembly Hall last week.

Cast member Jon Purvis said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed the Slimming World experience, having reached my three-stone target weight a few weeks ago.

“What amazed me was how easy the plan was, and how much I could eat – all my favourite meals, including takeaways.

“With so much variety in the plan, and with no foods barred, eating out is also very easy. And the group support you get from attending is second to none.

He added: “As well as the health benefits I have experienced from losing weight, including more energy and general fitness, my confidence has grown and it has made me an all-round better performer and given me more ability to perform dance routines and a greater variety of roles.”

St Mark’s Primary School Slimming World Group meets every Wednesday at 7.30pm. For details, telephone Susie on 07717 177892. 

A new Group will be opening on Tuesday, January 2 at 9.30am in St Peter’s Church Hall in Bayhall Road.

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