Tonbridge Grammar girls ‘raise the roof’ in cathedral

Tonbridge Grammar girls 'raise the roof' in cathedral

TONBRIDGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL [TGS] took more than 100 pupils to sing at a carol concert in Southwark Cathedral in support of the work of the children’s charity Barnardo’s.

The Motet and Cantores Choir performed at the central London venue on Friday [December 1]. They sung a specially arranged version of Carol of the Bells by Choir Director Adrian Pitts, Angelus ad Virginem by Philip Lawson and My Lord Will Come by Will Todd.

Matilda Stepek in Year 9 said: “Singing at Southwark Cathedral was an amazing experience. It has been a place of Christian worship since 606, so to be part of that, and to hear the voices of the Motet and Cantores choirs filling that space, was a real privilege.

“All of the hymns sung were beautiful, and the entire congregation participated in the carols. It was lovely to hear so many different choirs and voices, from a male barbershop quartet to a group of young drummers.”

She added: “I really enjoyed performing, and it was fantastic to know that we were helping to raise money for Barnardo’s.”

Mr Pitts said: “It was a fantastic festive start to the month. I am very proud of our young singers who gave their all to raise the roof in this beautiful cathedral.”

The award-winning TGS choirs won gold and silver medals at the European Choir Games in Riga, Latvia during the summer, and are hoping to return to the Llangollen Eisteddfod in Wales next year.

They will appear locally at the candlelit Family Carols concert held by Tonbridge Philharmonic Society and the Round Table at Tonbridge School Chapel on December 16 at 4pm. Visit

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