Putting a curious spin on Alice in Wonderland

Putting a curious spin on Alice in Wonderland

This weekend Trinity Youth Theatre are putting on a reworking of Lewis Caroll’s classic Alice in Wonderland, but all is not as it would seem with this version. The theatre group’s youth and learning officer Jess Horsley reveals what audiences can expect to enjoy about ‘Alice’

ON Saturday and Sunday we are putting on an adaptation of Lewis Caroll’s classic tale Alice in Wonderland. Entitled Alice and penned by Laura Wade it is a kind of wonderland – but not as you would traditionally expect.

The caterpillar appears as a border control officer; the Cheshire cat an embarrassing shadow of Austin Powers; and Humpty Dumpty’s your least-favourite teacher at school.
This is Trinity Youth Theatre’s first big show, and cast members and production team alike are putting their all into rehearsals, set design, prop making and preparations.
Kate, who is playing the eccentric Duchess, comments, “I’m really enjoying working with so many talented individuals. Rehearsals are so much fun and I feel like my acting
has definitely improved.”

Young people are involved in every aspect of the play. From stage managing to acting, and lighting to costume, this really is a Youth Theatre production. Assistant Director Ellie says, “it’s great to see everyone getting involved. It’s such good experience to put on a show of your own!”

Growing the Youth Theatre’s audience is a key aim for this production. Whilst parents, family and friends will be attending, the goal is to appeal to the general public. “Youth theatre productions are often as professional and entertaining as professional ones”
says director, Jason Lower, “…and it’s a great opportunity for young people to perform in front of people who aren’t just friends and family.”

This modern version of Alice may give Caroll’s characters a more comedic twist; however, Wade has given the title character more of a complex personality, and, as a result, a deeper reason for escaping to Wonderland. Belle, who plays Alice, explains, “this version of Alice has been through a lot, and she grows as a person throughout the
play. I’ve really enjoyed rehearsals and I can’t wait to start performances.”

Trinity Youth Theatre isn’t slowing down after Alice, however. Their next production will be part of the National Theatre Connections festival. When They Go Low is a more naturalistic play which focuses on the struggle to define feminism,looking at all types of female and male perspectives.

Theatre’s production of When They Go Low premieres at the Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks as part of the town’s District Drama Festival on Sunday March 4, and its home performances at Trinity Theatre will take place on Monday March 26 and Wednesday
March 28 so do watch this space!

To book tickets for Alice, call the Trinity Box Office on 01892 678678 or visit www.trinityyouththeatre.co.uk

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