Local lessons in how to achieve wellbeing for life

Local lessons in how to achieve wellbeing for life
Pupils from Dulwich Prep School in Cranbrook take part in their annual Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week at Dulwich Prep Cranbrook is now an annual event which provides pupils with a number of activities in order to promote a healthy sense of wellbeing.

This year it took place from January 13 to 17 and activities included yoga, art and sewing, as well as visiting speakers and special events such as the ‘Big Sing’ – where children are able to share the joy of music as a community.

“The aim of pastoral care at Dulwich is simple, everything is focused on helping the children believe in themselves, to flourish in the classroom and thrive as individuals and be active members of the school community,” said a spokesperson.

Inspired by the hashtagged theme of #ChildrensMentalHealth, Dulwich Prep Cranbrook were encouraging the children to follow the #Findyourbrave initiative.

“Bravery can be deemed as sharing worries and asking for help, trying something new and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone,” continued the school spokesperson. “Finding ‘your brave’ can be about building your confidence and self-esteem and making you feel good about yourself.”

The school also participated in an ‘ambitious’ upcycling sewing project, transforming old clothes into stylish shoulder bags. Other activities that pupils got involved in as part of the Wellbeing Week included creating a large mural inspired by nature and painting pebbles in the art department. These were then placed in the school grounds for a treasure hunt.

An active Football Fun day rounded off the week, and raised funds for Football Beyond Borders, a charity which uses football to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

There were also discussions about healthy eating and the importance of good nutrition for both pupils and parents.

All sessions were run by Childnet, the non-profit organisation that helps makes the internet a safe place for children.

Activities for parents included talks about Managing the Transition to Senior School, and sessions on Anxiety and how to manage it, both organised in conjunction with leading children’s mental health charity Place2Be.

“Dulwich have their own dedicated Place2Be team based permanently in school, available for one-to-one counselling and small group drop in sessions. Children also make use of the informal Place2Talk sessions where they can talk freely about friendship issues, self-esteem and anxiety,” added the spokesperson.

Dulwich Prep Cranbrook also hosted the Mental Health Champions Training for School Leaders, run by Place2Be, supporting them to bring about strategic change to create ‘mentally healthy’ schools.

“Dulwich has pledged to promote the importance of a focus on positive mental health throughout our local community, supporting local school and youth leaders with the opportunity for expert mental health training.”

Headmaster Paul David commented on the success of the week, saying: “The happiness of children is our top priority, and Wellbeing Week shines a light on our commitment to a very proactive approach towards mental health.

“We are constantly striving to improve our strong support networks, access to experts, open communication and to develop a close, compassionate community.”

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