Join groups to lose weight ‘like a man’ says top slimmer

Men can lose weight given the right structure and encouragement, according to a Southborough man who has shed 4st 2lb in 12 months.

Graham Edwards, 48, had started having to take medication for high blood pressure, but a friend’s death was the catalyst which made him join a weight-loss group.

“Before, I thought slimming groups were just for women and not my cup of tea at all,” he said.

However, the presence of other men in the group had won him over. “Those strangers have become a whole set of new mates, willing me on to do well each week.”



“And, in group, men love the mix of support and healthy competition they get from being part of a club.”


Making changes like grilling instead of frying, switching white bread for wholemeal and reducing butter had allowed him to keep his favourite meals, he added.

Graham’s group leader Jesse, who operates the Slimming World programme, said: “There are lots of reasons why the programme works well for men. Our generous Food Optimising Eating Plan means it’s possible to satisfy even the biggest of appetites.

Jesse’s group meets at St Philip’s Church on Fridays at 9:30am and St Barnabas Primary School on Saturdays at 8am and 9:30am.

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