Football: Rustics denied by injury-time leveller

Football: Rusthall cannot recover from early double blow

RUSTHALL retained top spot in the Southern Counties East League Division One despite being held to a draw at Bridon Ropes.

John Woodcock put the home side ahead after 14 minutes, and Rustics had to step up a gear in the second half.

Parkinson equalised five minutes after the interval and then Ian Parsons put high-flying Rusthall ahead with 10 minutes left.

However, Rusthall’s hopes of forging ahead at the top of the league were dashed when James Doherty equalised in injury time.

Rusthall FC signed a contract last week to have renovations carried out on the main pitch at their Jockey Farm ground.

The project will involve levelling the main pitch and installing drainage to remedy the long-standing problem of the slope, the uneven surface and waterlogging issues. New paths and dugouts will also be installed.

The contractors are scheduled to start the development in mid-March with the expectation that it will be ready by September for next season.

It has been a long-standing ambition for the Rustics to carry out this scheme, the most ambitious and expensive in the club’s history.

It has only been achieved by the prudent management of club funds and a generous grant from the Football Stadium Improvement Fund.

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