Dance like Darcey

Pam Mills

Ballerina and Strictly star Darcey Bussell brings her enormously successful dance exercise class to town on Saturday. Her business partner, Gisele Parker, reveals to the Times what it’s all about…

So what’s involved with Darcey’s Diverse Dance Mix (DDMIX)?
It’s a fun, inclusive aerobic dance fitness programme which is designed to get everyone
moving no matter what their ability is, whilst embracing a broad spectrum of dancing cultures and eras from around the world.

Can you give us an idea of what happens in a class?
We have over 30 dance styles, ranging from Japanese and Charleston to Line Dance and the Haka. Each genre is only 2.5 minutes long, so in a hour’s class for example you could do seven or eight different styles and get a full body and cardio work out. It is about having fun and not about being an extreme workout. Your mind has to work, too, as you switch styles.

How did Darcey Bussell become involved, and why?
Darcey is the founder of DDMIX. She feels passionately that we should all dance more
and that dance fitness is an easy way to be healthy and active.

How often does she go out on the road with the DDMIX team?
Every week ! Whether it’s holding a MAXIT class for 300 people, teaching instructors or visiting schools, Darcey is continuously involved.

What makes DDMIX classes so special?
The diversity, the camaraderie of a group class, the bespoke music, the list goes on. Dancing releases positive endorphins, improves your cognitive skills and makes you feel great!

Tell us a little bit about how people can get involved?
They can take a class with an instructor near them, or do an online class, and even become an instructor. We also have DDMIX for schools, with programmes designed to go directly into PE lessons. So sign your school up!

Can you sum up a Darcey’s Diverse Dance Mix session in three words?
Diverse, inclusive and fun.

Tickets to Darcey Bussell’s dance class at St John’s Sports Centre on Saturday March 17
cost £15 per person.

For information and manual ticket bookings, contact: Gillie on 07778733706 or Liz on 07738 709080

For electronic ticket bookings, email requirements to

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