Calverley June 11 – is a Chief Constable on bended knee the right way to fight racism?

Calverley June 11 - is a Chief Constable on bended knee the right way to fight racism?
Chief Constable 'takes the knee'

FRONTLINE police officers across Kent have been placed in an almost impossible position after their boss – Chief Constable Alan Pughsley – ‘took the knee’ at a race event.  


National newspapers pictured him on bended knee in his uniform  at an event in Gravesend. It was part of the nationwide protests against the killing of George Floyd in America… something that has appalled all decent people.

Apparently the Chief Constable knelt down as a ‘show of solidarity’ with all those ‘horrified at the manner in which George Floyd lost his life’.

The anti-racist gesture has spread since Mr Floyd died after a US policeman knelt on his neck.

In some quarters, the actions of Mr Pughsley are being commended. Others, however, are not so convinced that it was the right thing to do.

They point to the fact that Scotland Yard Commissioner Cressida Dick has asked her officers not to do it during protests. 

The actions of the Chief Constable could make life difficult for frontline officers in Kent who are charged with keeping the peace. 

How are they now supposed to react when confronted by protestors calling on them to ‘take the knee’ as their boss has done to show they support the demonstration?

And what does it mean if the officers choose not to bend down? If they choose to remain impartial, not take sides and keep doing their job?

They appear to be in a no-win situation.

There are many ways to support the fight against racism, a battle that must be won.

But is a Chief Constable on bended knee the right one?

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