Calverley (19th of October)

Kent County Council Tax Rates-2017 2018

Here’s Calverley’s observations on people, life and more important things…

COLOURFUL characters in politics are few and far between in these days where being PC (quite rightly) rules. Calverley was reminded of this last week when the former leader of TW council, Roy Bullock, once again found the public spotlight. He attacked the current leader, David Jukes, over the handling of a £17million car park scheme. Mr Roy suffered a vote of no confidence by fellow members shortly after describing his dealings with constituents as ‘keeping the natives happy’. He also said some fellow Tories were ‘the enemy within’. Finding gossip was so much easier.

ALWAYS nice when you get a pat on the head, and so much better when it comes from one of your most esteemed peers. Himself is delighted to report back that no less a person than Tim Stanley picked up a copy of this publication while visiting Tonbridge, flicked through it, and declared “Oh, it’s a proper paper!” Mr Tim is, of course, the columnist and Leader Writer for The Telegraph and a man of proven good taste. Where do we sign up for those newspaper awards?

DOZING off on the train the other day, Calverley was jolted awake when it came to a sudden halt. And the reason given out by the driver and/or guard was that it was all down to ‘sheep on the line’. Calverley tried counting them but fell back to sleep.

SITTING in the hairdressers, Calverley experienced much joy listening to the following – Customer: “Bought a car last month and it’s been nothing but trouble. Paid £35,000 for it, and that’s second hand, but in my job [legal] you have to look the part. What car have you got?” Hairdresser [female]: “Peugeot 307, 2011. Bought it from my friend a year ago and it’s been no trouble. Paid £250 for it.” Score one for hairdresser.

SHERRY lovers be warned. Steer clear of FRIDAYS [TGIF] in Brighton Village Marina. Calverley washed up there last weekend and asked the waitress for a schooner of sherry. The word ‘schooner’ drew a frown and the word sherry complete bewilderment. She had never heard of the drink and what’s more, nor had the head barman. The Empire was built on the stuff. These are indeed sad times.

Chin, chin readers

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