Calverley (12th of October)

Pam Mills
BRANCHING OUT: Alan Titchmarsh has written more than 50 books

Here’s Calverley’s observations on people, life and more important things…

WHAT price green fingers? Calverley is always intrigued (and jealous) to hear of the huge fees earned by so called celebrities appearing on our TV screens or in newspapers and magazines. How do they get away with it? Admiring the borders in a particular garden last week a well-wisher paused for a chat and talk turned to just such a subject. Imagine the surprise of Himself on being told that his beloved Alan Titchmarsh was (apparently) handed £300,000 a year for his invaluable contributions to the Daily Express. Calverley collapsed onto the pansies, not believing a word of it.

HORROR. Calverley’s favourite get away from it all bolt hole has been named Country House Hotel of the Year. Not saying that Gravetye Manor near East Grinstead is not worthy of the title it’s just the thought of the hordes now about to descend on the place. Time to move on. Problem is trying to remember the hotels from which he has been, how can He put it, banned. Never mind, it seems that Tunbridge Wells might soon have its own Premier Inn. If it’s good enough for Lenny Henry, then move over. (For those without TV he does their ads.]

CONTRACTORS working on Framptons Cafe© Bar & Kitchen on The Pantiles have been left with no room to manoeuvre when it comes to deadlines. The three bosses, Tom Walker, Ed McAdams and Sam Westlake, are all ex-military and have made it clear that when contract dates are agreed they have to be met. And to make sure there are no misunderstandings they have posted a grid on one of the walls inside the old Barclays bank. So, that’s ok then; grand opening December 7. Definite.

URGENT CORRECTION On September 21 this column commented on the fact that a local gastro pub had, for various reason, worked its way through eight head chefs since December. We have been asked by the owner of the business to correct an inaccuracy. He informs us he has worked his way through 14 Head Chefs. We are happy to put the matter right. Our apologies for the error (which Himself puts drown to the drink).

Chin, chin readers

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