Calverley (10th of August)

Big Friendly Read 2

Here’s Calverley’s observations on people, life and more important things…

Dads can be such boy racers. Himself has a friend who insisted on tinkering with his son’s hot-hatch and then taking it out for a solo drive. He pushed the revs, slammed it into the bends and saw the speedo climb way over the limit. All in the name of road testing, you understand. Back home he told the son what he had done. Son was mortified. The car had been fitted, at the insistence of the insurers, with a black box that records all bad driving. Son is now waiting for the warning message from the insurer.

Sad times at the BHS store as it enters, literally, the closing stages. Calverley popped in to poke through the going-out-of-business offers and was struck by the fortitude of the staff. All have remained polite, helpful and remarkably cheerful. And yet not one of those he spoke to had so far managed to find another job. Come on Primark, where are you?

Speaking of department stores, Calverley just has to share the following. Young lady goes into M&S, checks out the lingerie for which the store is well known and then proceeds to the counter where one pays. She hands items to sales person who touches one of the items and says: “That bra feels very nice.”

Class. Tunbridge Wells just oozes it. Even our street drinkers and drunks are upmarket. Not for them discarded beer cans and bottles. Oh no. Struggling home in the early hours of Saturday, Calverley passes the Town Hall when he spies by the wall a discarded bottle of his favourite champagne – Moet. Sadly it was empty.

People often give us feedback on what they read in this newspaper. Much of it nice, not all of it logical. The other week we ran a front page story on cash problems at the NHS hospital in Pembury. The story appeared in both the Tunbridge Wells edition and the Tonbridge edition. One reader in Tonbridge complained to staff that it was wrong to carry a story about Pembury on the front page of Tonbridge: “It’s not a local story.” When asked which hospital he expected to be taken to if he was ill he replied: “Pembury, of course.”

Chin, chin readers

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