Thomson Snell & Passmore joins volunteering scheme


A PROFESSIONAL volunteering scheme, started by a communications professional who regretted missing out on opportunities to share his skills before being diagnosed with cancer, has signed up its first Kent-based law firm.

Fifth Day was founded earlier this year by Fred Banning, who received a terminal cancer diagnosis in 2020 – just two weeks before he was due to be interviewed for a non-executive position at a charity.

As a non-lawyer in a law firm, he said: “I wish I’d found a way to combine a career I loved with a role that enabled me to give back more to people less fortunate.”

With 30,000 non-legal staff working in the UK’s top 100 law firms, he said there was a huge pool of un-tapped talent.

Fifth Day’s newest recruits, Thomson Snell & Passmore already offer paid time for volunteering.

The law firm’s chief executive Sarah Henwood said: “We’re also keen to spread the word about this new initiative far and wide with local charities, so that they can sign up to benefit from the many skilled volunteers across the Fifth Day network, which includes a wide range of law firms.”

Working in partnership with Reach Volunteering, Fifth Day is currently offering roles ranging from marketing and data analysis to fundraising, administration, procurement and more, as well as trustee vacancies.

Fred Banning added: “It is really heartening that so many law firms, at both a national and regional level, have embraced the concept of non-legal pro bono. I’m so pleased to have Thomson Snell & Passmore on board.

“It’s no secret that we’re in for a tough winter in the UK, and the work of third-sector organisations has arguably never been more important.

“This is a really tangible way for individuals to get involved and help, with the support of their employers.”

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