Real ale fans fancy Fuggles

Crimson Tide

Fuggles Beer Café has been awarded the runner-up position in the 2016 Pub of The Year competition run by West Kent CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale).

Members of the organisation, led by branch chairman Iain Dalgleish, gave the award to Doug White and Dan Tapp, who were on duty at the Grosvenor Road venue in the absence of owner Alex Greig.

It is the second year running that the pub has come second, a position shared with the Halfway House in Brenchley.

CAMRA’s 600 West Kent members chose The Windmill in Sevenoaks Weald as this year’s winner of the award.

Members are invited to judge almost 300 pubs in the area based upon criteria ranging from the atmosphere to decor and the mix of clientele.

But of course, the quality and range of beers are judged as the most important categories when choosing a winner.

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