Louise lands role banging the drum for small business


A leading Tunbridge Wells-based public relations expert has been appointed to the role of west Kent ambassador for the Federation of Small Businesses.

Louise Pargeter will be the first point of contact for members with business-related issues or who require advocacy.

She is currently acting as a consultant to respected road building giant Balfour Beatty on the A21 dualling project.

She told the Times: “I was really honoured to accept the invitation from the FSB to represent it as the ambassador for their west Kent region.

“The role consists of being the first point of contact for members to go to if they have a business issue, as well as an advocate for local members.”

Mrs Pargeter’s responsibilities will be to identify policy issues in the region and raise them with the wider Kent and Medway branches of the FSB membership.

She will also organise business events and liaise with MPs and local authorities on behalf of FSB members in the area.

The FSB is the UK’s largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small firms. Formed in 1974, it now has about 200,000 members across 33 regions and 188 branches.

Its mission statement says the FSB aims to ‘be and remain the largest and most effective organisation promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and small business owners within the UK’.

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