Law firm runs up tidy sum for charity

ON the back of a gruelling ultra-marathon challenge, local law firm CooperBurnett LLP managed to hand over £12,000 to children’s hospice charity Demelza last week.

A figure of £6,000 was fundraised by those who conquered the notorious Dulux Race to the King ultra. That was then pound-matched by the partners of the firm.

The ‘magnificent seven’ team members who took part in the challenge were partners Victoria Sampson, Joseph Oates, Gemma Gillespie and Sarah Strong; Head of Accounts Gareth Warner; Associate Solicitor Ayla Clissold; and PA to the Commercial Property team Hannah Mashford. Between them, they walked and

ran an astonishing 500km over two days in June, starting and finishing at Goodwood.

Three of the team, Ayla Clissold, Sarah Strong and Gemma Gillespie, each individually covered an incredible 100km (62.1 miles), with Ayla and Sarah completing that distance in one go.

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