Lamberhurst firm picks up O2 telecom award…

Kit's Coty Chardonnay 2013

One of Kent’s leading telecoms companies has scooped two major industry awards from O2. It is the second consecutive year that Lamberhurst-based Active Digital has received both the customer service and digital excellence awards from the O2 network.

Established 20 years ago, the company specialises in providing mobile, fixed lines, mobile forms and purpose built apps for businesses throughout the UK and Ireland.


Company Director Jo Wimble-Groves said: “We are thrilled to receive these accolades from O2. As an organisation, we have always embraced the digital shifts in technology.

“We want to be the ‘go-to’ organisation our enterprise customers think of, when they want to make their business more mobile and digitally ready. “We understand the challenges IT Directors are facing when focusing on mobile strategy and we are working hard to deliver some fantastic results for our customers and O2.

“These O2 awards are a seal of approval for our commitment to this digital journey and the customer experience”.

Jason Phillips of O2 commented “These awards represent a significant shift in the way we work as we become more intentional in our focus on customer support and digital knowledge and expertise.

“Thank you for your continued support and hard work. We will continue to work closely with all our partners to deliver above our customers’ expectations”.

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