Industry minister visits tech firm in his own back yard

Industry minister visits tech firm in his own back yard

MATFIELD electronics company RVL celebrated its 25th anniversary by inviting MP Greg Clark on a tour of their facilities.

The firm specialises in supplying niche electronic equipment to firms across the globe, such as French tyre company Michelin.

Peter Smith, RVL’s Operations Director, gave Mr Clark his tour of the secure manufacturing facility as well as the electronic design and software development labs last month.

The MP, who is also the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, spoke at length to various team members about the innovative projects they are working on and watched a practical demonstration of the assembly of circuit boards.

Mr Clark said: “I hugely enjoyed visiting RVL, meeting the team and celebrating the firm’s 25th anniversary. The creativity and expertise that RVL boasts in electronic design and manufacturing was fascinating to see in action. It is no wonder the firm is going from strength to strength and exporting all over the world.”

Mr Smith said he used the minister’s visit as an opportunity to talk to him about some of the issues facing exporters, such as recruiting the necessary highly-skilled staff.

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